Daily note

Thursday 16 June 2011

Hello everyone today I want to shared my exercises routine and my food intake for today.

My food intake
Morning : Oat, Coffee and Green tea
Lunch : Chinese food and Coffee
Dinner: Salad with salmon ( salad contain celery, a quarter of avocado, mixed rocket and carrot. Use lemon as dressing and I give a taste by adding chilli and ginger on)
For my exercise today I did a Zumba class and also do a interval workout. This is first time I try follow the bodyrocker.tv exercise. The exercise separate in 2 part, the first 4 minutes of the workout are intensive interval training. Basically you set you interval timer to 16 rounds set the first interval to  9 second to 6 seconds. The first 9 sec you do high knee run (on spot). The 6 sec you do the push up and drive one knee forward repeat it ( I can do about 3 push up each 9 sec)

The second part is 10 squats (put some weight on I use 15 kg bar) then do the reptile one leg push up 4 time. This is count as 1 set you do that for 12 set. I finish all the workout in half an hour. Surprisingly my heart rate is really high after I did this exercise even is short but I feel I burn some fat out!

I will try to update my daily note often and share tips that I learn or research to you. :)
Thank you 

Diet delight (Eye)